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donna walker
donna walker
donna walker
It has been so long since I have been able to visit your memorial.  Loosing you has been the hardest thing I have had to go through.  I am trying really hard to keep it together for you.  I was thinking of all the memories we had and it would take me a lifetime to tell them all.  One of the ones that always made me laugh is when we toured with Madonna running around Cali flying to concerts being roadies for a short time meeting the stars and feeling like we were on top of the world.  That would have never happened if it wasn't for you.  Oh and the shopping trip you took me on when I first moved here to San Francisco.   WOW!!!
Diane "Sunshine"
That very first day I met you at Primo, I knew we would be close friends forever. How can I possibly pick just one memory? The hair show when Linda drove & we went to Seau's afterwards, all the times you teased me, I hated it so much--but at the same time I didn't really mind it either. I missed working with you more than you'll know, or maybe you did. Now I just miss my friend. I love you Doug. See you again when the time is right.

When you drove your car (I think it was a Mustang) over the Wall Circle Plaza bridge at 60MPH!

God we had some laughs!!

donna walker
always remember your smile and growing up with you teasing me as a big brother should.  always laugh at the time you  were tipsy and fell into the gladiollas in the yard
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